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Call for elections: Treasurer position open

The European Association of Psychological Assessment will be soon holding elections for the position of Treasurer.

The European Association of Psychological Assessment will be soon holding elections for the position of Treasurer. Additional information about the roles and responsibilities of these positions are at the bottom of this text. Treasurer serves a 4-year term, The term will start on December 2024.

EAPA members can self-nominate until midnight October 11th by sending an e-mail stating the position to which they nominate and a short CV to

Thank you for engaging in the EAPA!

The Role & Responsibility of the Treasurer
The Treasurer will collect and safeguard the Association's funds, and will comply with the payment orders given by the Executive Committee or, if necessary, by the President. He shall intervene in all receipts and payments made by the Association, noting them in the Accounts Book, and will present a state of the accounts to the Executive Committee for approval.